Do you change your mind or stay firm?

There are times when we should stay firm on what we want eg If you are asked, what flavour of ice cream, the answer is firm and obvious: “tender coconut”and nothing can shake you from your One Thing But for all other less serious decisions like what job to do? Which car should I buy… Continue reading Do you change your mind or stay firm?

The most important question for you

A common question in Indian households is “what should we eat today” and there is a fair amount of effort which goes into delivering that mission At a mundane level, an organization asks “how much should we sell to generate what level of profits?” and then a large amount of effort goes in hopefully delivering… Continue reading The most important question for you

stop arguing and start testing

Whether it is in business or in relationships, we have strongly held beliefs and opinions on certain matters. When someone has a different opinion on these issues, first we start logically arguing our case or dismantling the other persons case When that does not work which is most of the time we get emotional and… Continue reading stop arguing and start testing

What success really means

It’s natural to think about oneself and for oneself. With effort, we think about our immediate family and maybe friends However what makes this world go round is the act of kindness and service which everyone is doing for an unknown person When you catch a train or take a ride in uber, we participate… Continue reading What success really means

how to handle nervousness in speaking?

Are you comfortable or scared, speaking in front of people? Quite often, speaking in front of peoplebrings out the worst fears inside us If someone even mentions, “come here and start speaking”, our pulse rate goes up, maybe our palms turn sweaty and we will want to hide behind the nearest rock It’s said fear… Continue reading how to handle nervousness in speaking?

Will you create opportunities for yourself?

Create opportunities for oneself Sebastian Maniscalco We live in times where we are packed with things to do. We need to check messages and mails first thing in the morning, check how many likes we got for our posts, compare with earlier posts, so much stress! We are forced to multitask eg stuffing your face… Continue reading Will you create opportunities for yourself?

Did you sit in front or last in school?

School brings up mixed memories: some sweet, some not so What is common is the definite structure it createdyou did studies, you did well and you would go to the next division and so on for 10 years or more There was a clear path to move forward and certainty to what you did Life… Continue reading Did you sit in front or last in school?