Having a heartbreak? ⁣

Santosh Kanekar

Don’t know what to do?⁣

Right now, ⁣
you are staring ⁣
at the window⁣
with a deep sense of emptiness⁣

Your ears can’t believe what you have been told⁣
what you love was right in front of you yesterday⁣
and now it’s gone⁣

A flood of negative thoughts start racing⁣
“Have I lost my love permanently?” ⁣

Worst is⁣
Everyone is telling you to move on⁣
So fast?⁣
How dare they?⁣
Isn’t there any hope?⁣

As you take your steps⁣
slowly and sadly out of the place⁣
You can feel everyone’s eyes on you⁣
There are some hushed whispers ⁣
You are sure it is about you⁣

“This world is so cruel”⁣
First, they separate you from your love⁣
and now they make fun of you⁣

You don’t know what to do⁣

“Maybe I should do all those wild things⁣
which my friends do ⁣
in such situations?⁣
To wash away the pain⁣
I need to distract myself!”⁣
You convince yourself⁣

You need a distraction⁣
to take your mind away from this loss⁣
It feels like the world is spinning away from you⁣
You feel out of control⁣
You feel like running away from it all⁣

Running away ⁣
and distracting oneself⁣
is like running away⁣
from your shadow⁣

It’s not going to help! ⁣

Your sense of identity⁣
Your self worth⁣
Your self-esteem⁣
Your sense of who you are and why you exist⁣
cannot be tied to something external⁣

If we do it⁣
we become like a rudderless ship⁣
because the external world will change⁣
that is the nature of the material world⁣

“You can’t stop the waves,⁣

but you can learn to swim”⁣

Jon Kabat-Zinn⁣

Objects, people, relationships⁣
everything changes⁣

For what you have inside⁣
is far more powerful ⁣
than what is outside⁣
Please drop in comments⁣

Ask yourself⁣

What resources will you access today⁣ to come out of this situation?⁣

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