Thanos: I am inevitable
Yeah, how did that turn out for ya?
What happens when you desire something?
You visualize it,
maybe make some sounds
and you feel somewhere it is inevitable
It’s going to happen
Whether you want a new toy
(cars, phones, infinity stones)
or a start a new project
(innovation, fad diet, new religion)
or go on vacation (don’t need examples on that)
While we may be anxious or excited
and we believe it will happen
of the inevitability of what we desire
like Thanos and his snapping fingers and all that
The truth is
we create a different kind of inevitability and
that is the “in-between” stage
Here you are happy on your sofa,
eating popcorn and watching netflix at 4am
and suddenly thru
the haze of salt, sugar and carbs,
a revelation happens
“I need to be more fit”
You decide to go to the gym and
how you will look like Captain America at the end of one month
FROM Sofa, Netflix
TO Captain America
There is an in-between stage
called Liminality
All growth is within this zone of Liminality
what choices you make
and actions you take
in this zone
will decide whether you
retreat to the sofa or
become something ‘different’
(not Captain America – he needed performance-enhancing … lets leave it)
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