What makes a great partnership?

It has to be more important to each of you
that the other partner gets to make the decision
than it is to prove yourself right

Brian Koppelman (renowned film writer)
said on Marc Andreessen’s podcast

Most of the time
we want to be right or
prove to others to be right

Colloboration, by definition,
is a sum which is larger
than the individual parts

You want to colloborate
with someone who complements you
adds to you
brings skills and ideas different than you
and shares the same values as you

Why would you want to
change the other person
if the above is the foundation
of your partnership?

Brian goes further and says

“In a good partnership,
you’ll be looking for as many chances
as you can to let the other partner
make the decision”

First off, realize that you will
make wrong decisions
atleast 50% of the time
not because you are wrong
because things will change or
they will not happen as you want or
the timing is not right

So proving oneself right
is not going to help

Plus allowing the partner
to make the decisions
helps build trust
and respects the value
she brings to the partnership

This may seem like counter-intuitive advice
but in the long run
it pays off in a
solid partnership

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Ask yourself

What areas of your partnership
are you going to allow your partner
to take all the decisions?

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