stop arguing and start testing

testing santosh kanekar

Whether it is in business or in relationships,
we have strongly held beliefs and
opinions on certain matters.

When someone has a different
opinion on these issues,
first we start logically arguing our case
or dismantling the other persons case

When that does not work
which is most of the time
we get emotional and
maybe hysterical and
soon a conversation degenerates
into an argument where
each person’s sole interest
is to get the other person to their viewpoint

Once we are in the thick of an argument
We rarely ask ourselves
“Does this issue really matter to me?”

Nowadays people are ready to “unfriend”
someone on social media
if they don’t agree with
their political or religious beliefs

Do we want to be surrounded only by cheer leaders?

Whether relationships or business,
no one really knows
what is going to happen (future) or
what really happened (past)

We are meaning making machines and
we give meaning to every situation
to every event
based on the coloured lenses we wear

In relationships or business,
the best way to settle an “argument”
is to test it live in a situation

Yoga calls this Direct experience or Pratyaksha
and this is given the highest importance in knowledge

Whenever you find yourself
in a conversation
ask yourself
“How can I test this in a live situation?”
and then test it

Let life or the market decide
whether something is true or not

If you can’t test it, then,
there is a high chance
it is a belief and
not a verifiable fact

which means it is an assumption or conclusion
and all assumptions or
conclusion are perceptions

For business, click on the links below for
why you need a testing mindset and
how to build a testing mindset

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Ask yourself

What will you test
to get direct
for something you believe in strongly?

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