desire to succeed is normal

Why do you want to achieve?
What will happen or experience once you achieve it?

The answer to those questions
is your WHY, your purpose

The desire to succeed, to achieve,
to get something is natural
what we chase is different

Some want money,
some want fame and awards
some want love,
some want spiritual fulfilment

Its all ok

Problem starts when the chase becomes an obsession
when we lose sight of our WHY
when we become obsessed with the score
when the score becomes the obsession.

Then we lose perspective
then we lose our sense of WHY
then our happiness, joy
our very existence becomes tied to the score

And then life starts unravelling
First in terms of physical health
then health in terms of relationships
health in terms of mental fitness
till we are completely wrapped
in our hollow shell of achievement

Either we experience emptiness
when we reach our score
or we experience desperation or
despair when we can’t

And it all starts with
forgetting what the chase was all about

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Ask yourself
why do you want to achieve?
what will happen or experience once you achieve it?

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