Follow your passion
Steve Job at Stanford Commencement Address
Sorry Steve, you are wrong
“What’s one area, where I can handle the pain of the work better than the people around me?”
James Clear
Whatever you set out to do in life as
a profession involves discomfort,
pain and setbacks
It’s the pain which defines you
it’s the moments of discomfort when
you shake your head and punch through
It’s the moments of setbacks and
there will be many,
when even the voice in your head
says “let’s pack up”,
you grunt and jump back into the ring
What propels you is your Purpose, your Dharma
what is my Dharma, right now?
what is my Dharma,
my Purpose for this week,
month and year?
and when there is pain, which is inevitable
and people all around you will fold,
you will endure that pain
because you never even realise its pain
because you are focused on your One Thing
because you are guided by your North Star
What looks like grit to others
is just another day for you
is just another step in the journey of 1000 miles
is another slab in your foundation
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What is your unique edge, your one thing
which helps you do your work
when others see the work as pain?