Cave you fear to enter, has the treasure you seek

Cave you fear to enterHas the treasure you seek– Joseph Campbell What are you afraid of right now?What about the future, scares you? You may want to begin a startup, start a new job or a relationship, a new fitness regime or move to a new city Fear will be the first reaction You are… Continue reading Cave you fear to enter, has the treasure you seek

Discomfort is the price of admission to anything meaningful

What is most meaningful for you in life? Do you truly, passionately desire it? What discomfort are you ready to face for it? Everything good in life has to fight inertia Coming out of the inertia means coming out of the comfort zone Coming out of comfort zone equalsPain, uncertainty, discomfort Before you start chasing… Continue reading Discomfort is the price of admission to anything meaningful

Are you hunting alone?

4 hunters alone can catch a rabbit, together they can catch a Deer What are you hunting alone? Is there a way you can colloborate? In  1755, Swiss philosopher JeanJacques Rousseau said “Together the pie will expand” We, humans, have survived because We colloborate, partner, team up Are you encouraging your teams To collaborate or… Continue reading Are you hunting alone?

What motivates you?

Goals, tasks, To-do?Is there something deeper than that? Values! Values are Vector They give force in a specific directionsaid Elliot Jacques in his book Requisite Organization Values are powerful whenthey are simple to understand eg Authenticity is what you say, what you do and what you feel are the same As leaders, what Values are you driven… Continue reading What motivates you?

My first act of free will is to believe in free will

Free will or destiny? What do you believe in? William James, the father of American psychology,wrote to himself “My first act of free will is to believe in free will” if you believe that you have free will,you will have power over your life Imagine what your life,your day, your weekwould be if you had all… Continue reading My first act of free will is to believe in free will

What is Coaching and How to be an Effective Coach?

  Almost a decade ago, my tryst with coaching started. I was a hotshot corporate executive. I was part of a business transformation exercise and was assigned a coach. My first reaction was “Why would I need a coach? I know everything.” Besides my coach was not from my industry so “what would the person… Continue reading What is Coaching and How to be an Effective Coach?