Beware the barrenness of a busy life

You are at your workplace, keyboard all clickety-clack,
typing away furiously.

Today you are the email warrior,
brandishing your sword of intellect and anger,
to whoever comes in your way,
your eyes boring into the white screen of your computer and then,
Your phone rings

Who dare take you away from these corporate jungles?
It could be a friend calling or a parent or child,
you pick up the phone and say
the most glorious words ever invented

“I am busy”

How often do we say this?
To whom?

“having a great deal to do, labouring at, toiling at, slaving at, hard at work, wrapped up, also, excessively detailed or decorated”

the dictionary meaning of Busy

Slaving at?
Labouring at?

Then why do we use this as a badge of honor?
Why is this “too much” state
something to be proud about?

And at the end of a “busy” day
does it make you energized and fulfilled or
tired, exhausted and
reaching for the remote
for some more mind-numbing stuff

Somewhere this busy-ness gives us comfort
it keeps us away from
asking the most important question

“Is this all worth it?”

“Is this in service of my One Thing”

“Do I know my One Thing?”

Beware the barrenness of the busy life


One Thing does not mean “world peace”
it means the practice of that which
creates peace in your inner world
it helps you chisel your masterpiece

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What action will you take to
reduce the busy-ness in your life

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