I don’t deserve your love

“I don’t deserve your love/ attention/ business/ relationship”

What would your response be
if I said that
we wear the above badge
in some form or other

“Off course not!” you would say

Let’s try again

Have you been in a conversation
where you were totally
in awe of other person and
felt I don’t really deserve to be here,
I am no one compared to this person?

Have you ever had moments of uncertainty,
as you were entering
a meeting,
new place,
networking event,
a room full of strangers,
speaking in front of an unknown audience,
sales call or
maybe a phone call with a stranger?

“But, that’s just lack of confidence,
a new situation,
what has got that to do
with deserving or not deserving?”
You may ask

All actions flow from our mental state

If you are confident and certain
Your actions will be full
of confidence and certainty

If you are fearful or anxious
Your actions will reflect that anxiety or fear

These emotions come
from our sense of “self-worth” or
how much we feel “we deserve”
to be in this situation or
in front of this person

Someone who is totally
at peace with his place and feels
“I am exactly where I need to be”
will flow from a place of
calm confidence and curiosity

“You get results based on what you feel you deserve”
said Dr.Phil on Joe Rogan podcast

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Ask yourself

In what area of life
do you feel you
totally deserve what you get?

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