keeping promises

ounce santosh kanekar

An ounce of performance is better than pound of performance

Mae West

It’s so easy to promise
and easier to break it

“I will be there at sharp 10”
come 10:30 and answer
“Too much traffic”

“I will deliver this project by Friday evening”
come saturday evening and request
“I need time till Monday morning”

“I am here to support you in any thing”
When asked for help, the reply
“Too busy right now, definitely next time”

It’s easy to dismiss the above
by saying
“People are useless, no one keeps commitment”

But, do we keep promises
no matter what?
especially to ourselves?

If we have decided to get up
at a particular time
are we awake at that time
or we hit the snooze button?

If we have decided to goto the gym
or do our yoga practice
every day
Do we do it, no matter what?
or tell ourselves
“Its ok to skip one day”

If we have promised to our partner
we will meet or speak with them
do we do it,
no matter what
or “situation did not allow”?

Take any one promise you make
amongst the many you make
in the day and
Keep it no matter what

First start by keeping promises
to oneself

Once you are clear about the direction
and have anticipated the obstacles
Just Start

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Ask yourself

What promise to yourself
will you keep?

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