Should you become emotionless?

Santosh Kanekar

I am sad, I am angry⁣
I am experiencing sadness and anger⁣
Anger and sadness are passing through me⁣

What is the difference between these statements?⁣
Do they matter?⁣

We live inside a box called Identity⁣

When we experience anger, we quickly say “I am angry”⁣

Now what was initially ⁣
an emotion or feeling ⁣
has become an identity. ⁣

It is now powered by thought and soon, ⁣
it becomes “I am really angry” ⁣
and then “I hate this sh*t”⁣

Now what was an emotion ⁣
has become a mood and ⁣
soon a state of mind ⁣

All actions flow from our mental states ⁣and soon, ⁣
you will be taking actions ⁣
like sending angry emails to 5000 people ⁣marked cc in your company or ⁣
become a Facebook warrior ⁣
coz someone has said something ⁣which made you very very angry ⁣

Anger also compresses time and ⁣
makes you feel alive ⁣
that rage needs a channel ⁣
(oh yes, its rage now) and ⁣
many imaginary swords are brandished ⁣
and word arrows are hurled ⁣
and it leaves many wounded in the wake⁣

But what do you care? ⁣
You were right and that’s all it matters!⁣
Does it really matter? ⁣
In the overall arc of 75 years ⁣
which you will live, ⁣
does it really matter?⁣

Jim Dethmer says if you don’t feed the emotion you’re feeling with thought, it’ll exit the body fairly quickly⁣

Yoga says we must always be in a balanced state of mind⁣

Putting distance between our emotions and our identity is key to growth⁣

This is not about suppressing your anger⁣

It’s about noticing it ⁣
accepting that it is a feedback mechanism ⁣

recognizing that it is bringing ⁣
your attention to some violation ⁣
of your inner values ⁣

deploying self-compassion and ⁣
empathy to understand more ⁣
rather than leaping to kill and maim ⁣

We all know this and ⁣
still we struggle when the moment arrives⁣

Hence, we need Yoga techniques ⁣
which we practice ⁣
when we are in a calm state of mind ⁣
like Nispandbhava ⁣
which prepares the mind to observe when the situation arises⁣

(if you don’t know this technique,⁣
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