Do you change your mind or stay firm?

There are times
when we should stay firm
on what we want

eg If you are asked,
what flavour of ice cream,
the answer is firm and obvious:
“tender coconut”
and nothing can shake you from your One Thing

But for all other less serious decisions
like what job to do?
Which car should I buy or
how long should I run this project before I decide to stop it?

The answer is

“Be able and willing to change your mind quickly when you get new evidence”

Ramit Sethi on Jordan Harbinger podcast

We give a lot of importance to
being firm and resolved in our
decisions and beliefs
It’s a good thing
till new evidence comes up

What’s wrong with strongly held beliefs?
Daniel Kahneman calls this
“Focusing Illusion “
what we focus on we consider as very important

In addition, we go around looking
for information which supports
our beliefs and opinions –
this is called the confirmation bias

On top of it,
we make fun of those who change their mind

Together they make a potent force and
we become blind to opposing information

Good decision making always respects
the context in which the decision is made
and makes changes when the context change

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What is one belief for which
You will search for opposing information?

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