I am not interested in you

Go about life with the humility that you never know who you might meet and what (or who) they might know

Josh Wolfe

What do you ask, when you meet a new person?

At one level, we look at people
as containers of interest or money
either they need to be “interesting”
or have interests the same as us
or have money which we can relieve them off

“How horrible is that,
I am not like that at all! Please!”
You may say

Think about the time
you met a new person in a party
or found someone we don’t know
but has commented on a friend’s post on politics

We evaluate the person
immediately for common interests
If they share ours,
they become part of the “tribe”

If they don’t or hold opposite opinions,
they “get it” from us
“How can you say….?”

If we meet someone at
a networking event or
business event,
we want to sell our product
or service or
atleast handover our business card
to as many people as we can

This comes from the perspective
of seeing people as a source of our income

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Ask yourself

When was the last time
you listened to someone
without interrupting them
or waiting for them to finish so you could start?

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