how to be more productive?

“Another day, another To-Do list,
at least today I am going to
finish all the items.

“Now that I am travelling let me
listen to some inspirational videos
to pump me up for the day”

(1 hour later)
“Wow, this person speaks so well,
I am now all charged up
I am going to attack my to-do list
and today I am going to be a very productive person”

“OMG the days already over and
I am only half way through my list
and there are already two things
screaming for my attention
How do I decide between them?”

(night, tossing in the bed)
“So many things unfinished,
no problems
tomorrow I am going to bring my A-game
let me just catchup with the last episode for 10 mins…”

(3 hours later)
“Oh No…..”

How we steer and guide the day decides
how the ship of our destiny will sail
and where it will reach

Dharma Pyramid
if we want to increase drive or motivation in our life
we need to keep going up each level

At the bottom is external motivation:
people, situations by which we motivate ourselves

Next level is our To-do and checklists:
the items which we need to finish
and have a sense of urgency to it

Next level is Goals:
our Goals for the year which cascades to
month, week and day

Next level is our Values:
the deep-seated dispositions in our mind
which drive all our decisions
Values have one of the strongest pulls
and currents in our life

At the top level is Dharma, our purpose
Dharma is dynamic
at one level, it energizes our entire life
if we can be clear about our purpose
at another level, it guides every moment
if we ask ourselves

“What is my Dharma right now, in this moment?”

Dharma is not a complicated philosophy
You always know what you need to do

Question is:
Will you be led by your Dharma or
the impulses and the uncontrollable forces inside us?

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Decide on which level of the Dharma pyramid
are you operating from?
do you want to move up the level?

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