How do I improve my skills or my business?

How do I improve my skills, my business, my education?
How do I learn better?

Make more mistakes
“What? I will lose my term/ my job/ my clients if I did mistakes.
Bad advice!”

Here’s what Naval Ravikant,
one of the most successful investors and
a businessman has to say:

It’s the number of iterations which drives the learning curve

We think that it is the number of hours,
repeating and learning by rote and
doing the same way that we become better


How much do you remember of the
subjects you learnt in school?
We did endless hours repeating it, right?

Trial and error, running many experiments
devising tests help us
to combine curiosity and play

It’s these combinations which give us
real world experience of what works


If you are learning a new subject or skill
try different ways of learning it
devise small games
teach it to others
run experiments
to learn better

If you are starting a new business
try different selling styles and channels
try different marketing techniques
experiment with social media
meet customers first hand to find what works

It’s the experiments which will guide you to what works
and then and only then,
increase scale behind it

Failure and mistakes are the norm
not learning from it or avoiding it is foolish

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Ask yourself
What experiments/trials will you run
to learn better?

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