Tony says change focus

focus santosh kanekar

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

Most of the time,
we are living in an automatic mode.
and that’s good!
You know why?
because it is efficient

If you started thinking about
every ice cream flavor
in the ice cream shop and
weighing the pros and cons
you will go nuts (pun intended)!

it’s best to decide
what is best for you
once for all :
the answer is obvious
“tender coconut flavour pls”

If that was all there is to it,
life would be all sunshine and peaches
(okay maybe mangoes because
that is the seasonal fruit in India right now)

But it’s not sunshine and whatever
it’s sunshine and then darkness
Where you ask
deep existential questions like
“Where is the light switch?”
“It was right here last evening!”

When we live in automatic mode
we allow and choose to
let life pass us by

But sooner or later
life is going to come to you
like a 100 wagon cargo train
and you ain’t no Superman

Ok maybe not with that force
but you get the point

Life will throw you a curve ball
and you will be
“Damn where’s my tender coconut flavour?”
“It’s out of stock, sir! Try industrial glue flavour”

There will be situations when
your automatic modes will not work.
Hell, they will actually complicate matters and
you will not know how to get out of it
and you will talk yourself into a funk

“Talk myself, how so?”
you may ask
it’s like this

“I only like tender coconut
what do I do now?
my life sucks
what did I do to bring this on me?
the whole world is conspiring against me
it’s cruel and
I am bad actually I am worse
and I will never get tender coconut”

You get the point right?

If not,
replace the words “tender coconut” with
Job / money / right partner / success / business /targets

Have you experienced this?
How do we get ourselves out of this funk?

“Change Your focus, Change your Physiology”

Tony Robbins

Once you activate your awareness
“What’s happening to my body,
my breath and my mind?”

You will bring attention to the present

The moment you bring attention to the present
You will focus your attention on what is real
which is the Present

This shift from past or future
to the present
changes the physiology and
all the internal systems

this change in physiology changes
our psychology, our mood, our emotions

Try it!

the shift not
the tender coconut flavour
or you can try that too

Now where is that light switch again….

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If you are feeling stuck any time

Ask yourself

“How is my breath? Long or short, smooth or ruffled?
How is my posture? Erect or slumped or agitated?”

And not the change as you ask these questions

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