Do you need validation?

“I don’t need anyone’s validation”
umm, why are you on social media?

We all have different forms of
seeking external validation from others

For some, it is clothes, gadgets, cars
children’s education,
houses, travel
religious or spiritual knowledge

It takes many forms
and it is hard-wired in us
because we are social animals

I heard this from Aubrey Marcus
“It is so important to examine and
assess all the ways that
you validate yourself externally
which allow you
to love yourself internally”

This is so true

If we deny that we don’t have
any forms of external validation
we will be blind to the
sway which others and
their opinions
hold on us

If we deny
we will be led by our habitual patterns
and only cause pain and suffering
to ourselves and others

The first step is acknowledging it
noticing it, accepting it

Next step is reflecting on it
and asking yourself
what effect does this have on my life?
how is it keeping me away from
experiencing my true self?

The purpose of life is to live

How are we experiencing all its
dimensions without being hostage
to others approval and validation?

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Ask yourself

What forms of external validation
are playing inside me?

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