What’s your relationship with your past?

What’s your relationship with past?
It’s complicated!

When you look back to your past
what feelings arise within you?

Do you feel nostalgic and happy?
maybe your childhood memories come back
from all the fun times with friends
with games or books or visiting places


Are you filled with dread, fear and shame
as you remember all the mistakes and
all the failures you experienced?


While it may feel good to be nostalgic
and happy about one’s past

there are embedded in our memories
Some decisions you took
Some actions you took
which got you what you wanted:
either objects or attention

these over time become coping mechanisms
habitual patterns, limiting beliefs
which chain us to the past
and become an obstacle to
living the present fully

At the same time, looking at the past
through the lens of shame and fear
is also dreadful as
we perpetuate the feelings in the present


While it is important to acknowledge
the mistakes one made in the past

What is more important is
asking oneself
“What lessons did I learn from this event?”

For every mistake, you keep tally of
ask yourself
What lessons can I apply from that
What different actions/meanings can I generate from that

Have you ever had a music track stuck in your brain all day
as if it was in an endless loop?
remember how irritating the experience was?

Ruminating and mulling over the past
is like that stuck music record

if necessary, change the playlist

Every day you have a choice
either to continue your story or your past
or begin a new one

Past is not the future

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